What are fillers?
Fillers are a cosmetic medical treatment that are used to replace lost volume. As we age our reparative processes slow and we notice lines, grooves, dark circles, and shadows replace areas that once were contoured, full, and reflective of light.
How are fillers different than Botox?
While Botox and fillers are both injectable cosmetic medical treatments, they work very differently. Botox is used to prevent wrinkling caused by muscle movement by stopping the muscle activity. One use of filler is to soften deep grooves caused by repetitive muscle movements, but filler does not stop the muscles from moving. Filler can be used to soften lines around the mouth and lips and to provide a more prominent pucker, cheek bone, or jawline.
How long do fillers last? How much do I need?
Hyaluronic acid fillers are temporary treatments, designed to last 9-24 months depending on the treatment product and location. Your nurse practitioner can help you learn which filler is right to treat your areas of concern, and she can develop a customized non surgical plan to achieve natural rejuvenation that is right for you.
What does the treatment entail?
After developing a treatment plan, collecting a medical history, and performing a physical exam, the nurse practitioner reviews risks, potential complications, and alternative treatments. Numbing medication is injected or applied topically depending on the treatment location, and the gel like substance is injected into the appropriate location. Ice may be applied for comfort and to reduce swelling, and a vibrating device may be used during treatment to distract your pain receptors. After treatment you may notice mild bruising or swelling.
What areas can I have treated with filler?
At The Wellspring, we are happy to treat cheeks down with filler. This includes cheeks, nasolabial folds, marionette lines, lips, chins, and perioral lip lines. Treatment of noses and foreheads is not offered, and our recommendation is to find a provider associated with a plastic surgery office if you are seeking filler in those higher risk areas.
Any contraindications?
If you are allergic to lidocaine or hyaluronic acid, you are not a candidate for treatment.
If you are pregnant or nursing, you should postpone treatment.
If you are traveling or have important social gatherings within the next 2 weeks, you should postpone treatment.
If you have an active infection at the treatment site, you should postpone treatment.
If you have had dental work within 2 weeks prior to treatment, you should postpone treatment.